On April 30 – May 1, 2022, the Oregon Gunmaker’s Faire held it annual gathering.

Ramrod pipe fabrication by Dave Rase

Inletting ramrod pipes by ?

Sand casting by Mike Keller

Engraving design and transfer by Steve Baima

Make the image fit your canvas by enlarging or reducing its size. Your image must be mirrored. This can be accomplished by inverting the image within Procreate or copying it onto a clear sheet which you can then turn over and copy onto the Pictorico transparency sheet.
Print image onto Pictorico inkjet transparencies.
Prep the surface to be engraved by cleaning with a degreaser such as Acetone. Apply the “Transfer Majic” to the surface and allow to dry. OR “color” the surface with the Prismacolor marker and allow to dry,
Tape transparency onto prepped surface to be engraved. Only tape one side to allow the transparency to be lifted to check for complete image transfer.
Burnish the image on the transparency to transfer the image.
Ink: Ink Tank Pigment T532
Transfer solution: ? or a homemade brew of 10% approx oil based damar varnish and 90% approx IPA.
Transfer pen: Prismacolor PM-102
Engraving of cast mounts by Ron Scott

Inletting the side plate of a Shuler smooth Rifle
Forging and tempering a v-spring by Steve Nelson