44th Annual National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association at Western Kentucky University Gunsmithing/Longrifle/Pioneer Crafts Seminar
Wednesday, June 4th through Friday, June 13th, 2025 At Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY
9 day classes begin on Wednesday, June 4th 12:00 pm CST through Friday, June 13th at 1:00 pm CST.
5 1/2 day classes begin on Sunday, June 8th at 8:00 am CST through June 13th at 1:00 pm CST.
3 day classes begin on Wednesday, June 4th at 12:00 pm CST through Saturday, June 7th at 1:00 pm CST.
Important Dates and Information to Remember
Cost of all classes is $130 per day. (3-day $390, 5 1/2-day $715, 9-day $1,170.)
Registration – Enrollment opens Friday November 1, 2024. Contact Brenda Hooton at the NMLRA at 812-432-2670 (ext. 1006). Please select your 1st, second and third choice of class, or no other choice. Minimum deposit of ½ the class cost and Membership in the NMLRA.
Full Payment – for all classes required by February 21, 2025.
Cancellation – on or before February 21, 2025 will result in a $150 being kept along with your membership fee to the NMLRA with the balance returned to the individual.
Cancellation after February 21, 2025 – will result in keeping full payment for all 3-day and 5 ½-day classes, and $800 for 9-day classes with a $370 refund for the 9-day class if and only if there are sufficient funds to cover the loss. NO EXCEPTIONS since the instructional team has been confirmed.
Final Enrollment Notification – will be made to participants by Monday March 24, 2025. Notification will be by email or USPS if preferred – Please advise at enrollment regarding USPS restriction.

The Wheellock Lock

The class will be either 5 1/2 or 9 days long. Students will use cast and machined parts to build a copy of the Alden inspired wheellock lock. Participants will be instructed on wheellock construction, terminology, & design. Theory, history and unique styles will be discussed as well.
Heat treating will be covered as the participants will harden and temper the wheel and springs. Case hardening of the arbor, main & secondary sear, bridle, and lock plate will be preformed if parts are finished and if time allows.
The course work aims to give as much instruction as possible during the participants time in the class. By getting the parts fitted, springs hardened & tempered, the participant will have a partially functioning lock by the end of the class. This will allow the Participant to finish the clean up of the parts and to polish them at their leisure.
The Lock – The lock set consists of all the parts necessary to build the lock. The sets are cast or machined to the specifications of the model that was built from images of the original. Lock sets will be made available for the participant to purchase. The cost at this time is unknown.
This first class will focus on building the lock. It is the intent to offer another class the following year to stock the lock & barrel and mount the hardware to complete the musket.
Barrel: Rice – Custom .62 cal / 20 gauge smooth bore, Octagonal to round. Participants can purchase through instructor or bring there own.

Disclaimer: I am using the term “Alden” wheellock to identify the particular wheellock that was found in 1924 in the home built and once owned by John Alden. Reference to it is found in the NRA museum.